Citizens Assembly News Digest
(Late Breaking News)
October 19, 2007
Written by J.H. Snider
Saskatchewan Premier Promises a Citizens Assembly if Re-Elected on November 7
Seemingly out of the blue, Saskatchewan's Premier, Lornie Calvert, today
announced that if he was re-elected on November 7, he would convene a
Citizens Assembly by May 7, 2008. A link to the press
release is
The press release itself is pasted below.
Calvert Promises Citizens’ Assembly to Improve Voting System
October 19, 2007
Premier Lorne Calvert announced today that within six months of
re-election he would convene a Citizen’s Assembly to make
recommendations on improving the functioning of democratic institutions
in Saskatchewan.
“Democracy is much too important to be left solely to politicians,”
Calvert said. “When significant change to our democracy is being
proposed, it is absolutely vital that that process be led by the
citizens, and not the politicians, of Saskatchewan.”
Citizens’ Assembly will be a non-partisan group of randomly-selected
individuals who reflect Saskatchewan’s demographics and geographical
regions. The Assembly would consult widely and propose changes to the
province’s electoral system. Among the items it would consider are:
fixed election dates;
methods for increasing voter participation;
representative models; and
voting age.
Recommendations dealing with questions of fundamental nature to the
functioning of our democracy, including representative models and the
voting age, will be considered by the people of Saskatchewan through a
referendum. Recommendations dealing with non-fundamental questions,
including fixed election dates and methods of increasing voter
participation, will be considered by the Legislative Assembly in advance
of the next general election and could be in place by that time.
Chief Electoral Officer will be involved in the process and the
Citizens’ Assembly will have access to government and academic
administrative and research-related supports. It is expected to cost $3
million over four years.
stronger Saskatchewan is a Saskatchewan where the citizens are firmly
engaged and in charge of the democratic process,” Premier Calvert said.
“I look forward to the vigorous public debate which this process will
unleash, and I am confident that this will engage even more people into
our democratic process.
November 7th, Saskatchewan voters face a choice. They can
risk change by electing the Saskatchewan Party, who will say anything to
get elected, or they can choose the NDP, who wants to put citizens
firmly in charge of our democratic process.”
For more information, please contact
Leah Sharpe
Telephone: 306-525-6247
Cell: 306-530-7448